Instructional technology:

Technology is very important for the society, it could be something such as computers, or some other products. it can also be the process or the way of thinking about instruction. Both of them are important to us. 
What I have learned in these years are not only the process of think, but also some uses of technology. All of them are good for me to know and learn. 
Website editing and development:
Website is the most common thing we use every day. in the ETEC 500 class, I have learned that how to have my own web page, and how to edit it. actually, there are a lot of webbuilder tools in every web hosting service. those tools are easy to use, and there was a lot of source you can use for you website. I also have some interested in hand coding website, so I did write a website in a notepad and practic to edit it. 
Zip of hand-coding web page
Video producing and editing:
creating videos is the another skill that I have learned and pround of it.  I have learnd both iMovie and camtasia video editor softwares. Instead of using text and image, video is able to provide visual and auditory impacts on learning at the same time. by using videos we have save a lot of time in some parts of instructions, we don't have to repeat our work again and again, and we make some changes in the videos easily. 
Graphic Editing:
Graphic design is visual communication. Anything that needs to be communicated that cannot be done verbally must be put into some form of design that gets a message across. Stop reading this blog post for a second and look around you. The pack of gum on your desk, the magazine cover, the cute saying on your coffee mug, and even the typeface in a TV ad are all examples of graphic design. 
In short, compare graphics to text, graphics are more colorful, and quicker for readers to understand. 
Why Do We Need Graphic Design? | GLAD WORKS. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2017, from,5062.1